Diya Life Foundation

At Diya Life Foundation, we are dedicated to fostering positive change in rural communities. Our mission is to engage women, youth, and children in productive activities, guiding them towards sustainable economic development. Through holistic care, environmental stewardship, and empowerment initiatives, we aim to create lasting impact and brighter futures.



26 August 2024

Eco Friendly Bag Distribution

OUR Work

Diya Life Foundation is committed to fostering positive change by providing holistic care to overlooked individuals, preserving our precious environment by

We Work Together

Diya Life Foundation made significant strides in our mission. Our extensive and dedicated Volunteer network, combined with the generosity of our valued donor network, have been incredibly instrumental in helping us achieve our mission. Through their tireless efforts and unwavering support, we have been able to make a significant impact on the communities we serve. Their selflessness and commitment to our cause inspire us every day and we are grateful for their partnership and contributions.

Students provided with continous educational support
Families were assisted with Relief materials during flood
Families supported with regular essential services
Individuals engaged in environmental preseravtion project
youth reached through addiction-free society awareness initiatives

Looking Ahead

As we move forward, Diya Life Foundation remains committed to expanding our efforts and exploring new avenues to address emerging social challenges. We will continue to work towards creating a positive and lasting impact on the lives of those in need, building a brighter and more sustainable future for all.

Become a volunteer

Join us for a better life and beautiful future